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Governors Roles and Responsibilities

The Governing Body is made up as follows:

Members Name Role Committee Area of Responsibility Term From Term To
Eddie Tunnah Co-opted
Chair of School Development Personnel,          Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, P.E., GDC 21/05/2023 20/05/2027
Angela Goonetilleke LEA governor School Development SEND and Inclusion, CLA, Early Years and KS1 01/09/2023 31/08/2027
Miles Redbart Co-opted
Vice Chair
Resources Key Stage 2, Science, Safeguarding and Child Protection 15/12/2021 15/12/2025
Katie Ostrowski Parent School Development Pupil Leadership, English, Writing, Equalities 23/03/2022 23/03/2026
Brijesh Babla Co-opted Resources Key stage 1, Humanities (History, Geography, R.E.) 23/03/2022 27/03/2026
Innes Gray Co-opted Resources Health and Safety 12/12/2023 12/12/2027
Ravi Patel Parent Resources Maths 12/12/2023 12/12/2027
Olivia Gowers Staff School Development Art, Design and Technology 03/09/2021 03/07/2025
Bindu Rai


Staff: Headteacher Ex-Offico Resources, School Development Equality, Website, Resource, Personnel Overview n/a n/a
John Conlon Clerk to the governing body n/a n/a

The term of office for a school governor is 4 years.