Mathematics is essential to everyday life and is a central component of the curriculum of Highwood Primary School. We believe that all pupils can achieve in Maths and become confident, resilient and independent mathematicians, who are proficient in using mental and written mathematics to further their understanding of the world around them. We want our pupils to have a secure understanding of the fundamentals of mathematics: place value, calculation and understanding of shape.
We recognise that mathematics flows throughout the primary curriculum and seek to give pupils a range of opportunities to apply their mathematical knowledge in other subjects and explore the power of mathematics. It is our aim for our pupils to have a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about Mathematics in the world around them .Our curriculum enables pupils to see mathematics in its wider setting and seeks to help the children harness their skills in real life scenarios.
Pupils are encouraged to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. We want our pupils to be able to use their mathematical knowledge and vocabulary to be able to justify their positions and solve problems with a reasoned approach.
- EYFS and KS1 Mathematics Curriculum Map (383.08KB)
- KS2 Mathematics Curriculum Map (505.14KB)
At Highwood Primary School, we ensure that our mathematics planning follows a clear progression of skills and ensures that there is full coverage of, ‘The National Curriculum programmes of study for Mathematics 2014’. The curriculum is adapted and extended to match all pupils’ needs and builds upon their prior knowledge and skills. Where possible, mathematics is linked to other subjects to support pupils in developing links between subject areas.
Before teaching each unit teachers will:
- Plan using supporting documents from the Hertfordshire for Learning Essential Maths scheme and adapt where necessary.
- Refer to the school’s calculation policy and the Hertfordshire for Learning Essential Maths policy to ensure mental maths and written methods are embedded.
During each unit teachers will:
- Ensure pupils have access to a range of manipulatives to support their learning.
- Create opportunities for pupils use mathematics to reason.
- Utilise speaking and writing frames to support all pupils and especially those with EAL and SEND.
- Follow a Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract model where necessary.
- Provide pupils’ with opportunities to make links to other curriculum areas wherever possible.
At the end of each unit pupils will:
- Be able to strengthen their maths fluency of the four operations.
- Be able to answer more complex word problems and rich reasoning questions.
After each unit teachers will:
- Assess which pupils have met the Learning Objectives and note which pupils need further consolidation.
- Revise plans to assess the current needs of the children.
Throughout the year, teachers will also:
- Use daily fluency sessions to consolidate prior learning. Key areas covered may include vocabulary, place value and the 4 operations.
- Use maths interventions to support needs of pupils.
- “Times Table Rockstars” is used as homework to help support pupils’ rapid recall of times tables.
Please see the documents below to inform yourselves about the different methods taught at Highwood.
- Key Stage 1 Written Methods (1.50MB)
- Key Stage 2 Written Methods (1.53MB)
What will this look like?
Through pupil voice we will see:
- Pupils express how they answer different mathematical problems using key mathematical vocabulary
- Pupils explain mental and written calculation and when they would use them.
- Pupils explain their mental processes.
- Pupils discuss how they have shown resilience during lessons and turned their mistakes in to successes.
Through learning walks we will see:
- The teaching of Maths being applied to real life scenarios.
- Pupils use mathematical resources confidently.
- Pupils will tackle mathematical problems confidently without the fear of making mistakes.
- Pupils discussing their learning and explain how it links to previous lessons.
- Teachers using mathematical vocabulary to support pupil’s development of mathematical language.
- Teachers adapt teaching to ensure misconceptions are identified and addressed.
In the pupil’s learning we will see:
- A passion for Maths through the quality of work produced.
- Opportunities to express themselves in written and mental methods.
- Reasoning using the correct mathematical vocabulary.
- Trial and error strategies to solve a problem.
- Take pride in their learning and present work of a high standard.
- Scaffolded activities that allow all pupils to make progress.
- Pupils independently applying their learning when assessed.
- Time Table Rockstars Information Letter (583.98KB)