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At Highwood we believe that Computing is central to the education of all children, now and in the future. We aim to give each pupil the opportunity to apply and develop their technological understanding and skills across a wide range of situations and tasks.

Pupils are encouraged to develop a confident and safe approach to Computing. The incorporation of e-safety and the issues associated with online safety form a vital aspect of their learning, including cyberbullying, mobile technology and social media use.

Computing will undoubtedly continue to form an ever-increasing part in our pupils’ lives at home, school and in their work places. The Computing teaching at Highwood will equip our pupils with effective and transferable life skills.


At Highwood Primary School, we ensure that our computing planning follows a clear progression of skills and ensures that there is full coverage of, ‘The National Curriculum programmes of study for Computing 2014’, which covers all three areas of Computing: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. The curriculum is continually adapted and extended to match all pupils’ needs and builds upon their prior knowledge and skills. Where possible, Computing is linked to other subjects to support pupils in developing links between subject areas.

The schools specialist-computing teacher delivers all computing lessons. These creative and exciting lessons are carefully timetabled so that each class has access to at least an hour a week in the ICT suite. Highwood Primary School has a computing suite and two sets of iPads to ensure that all year groups have the opportunity to use a range of devices and programs for many purposes across the wider curriculum, as well as in the discrete computing lessons. We try to embed the use of technology into all aspects of the curriculum, where its use will enhance the learning experience.

Before teaching each unit, the computing teacher will:

  • Plan using scheme of work as a guide.
  • Provide links to cross-curricular subjects where possible.
  • Assess pupils’ prior knowledge and skills and use this to inform planning.
  • Use the progression of skills map to ensure topics are taught sequentially and build upon the previous years’ skills.
  • Use the progression of E-Safety skills map to ensure topics are taught sequentially and build upon the previous years’ skills.
  • Plan leading up to a ‘big piece’, a final project, where pupils apply all skills learnt throughout a unit.

During each unit, the computing teacher will:

  • Create opportunities for pupils to use and explore a variety of technologies such as microphones, cameras, iPads, desktop computers, floor and screen robots, as well as a wide selection of software and apps.
  • Allow pupils have access to the computing suite with 20 modern desktop computers as well as each key stage having access to 30 iPads.
  • Continue to provide pupils’ with opportunities to develop their basic computing skills (save into a folder, copy and paste, undo etc).
  • Provide pupils’ with opportunities to make links to other curriculum areas wherever possible.
  • Provide opportunities for the children to experience real world applications of computing and technology use.
  • Develop and provide a stimulating, informative, relaxing learning environment.

At the end of each unit pupils will:

  • Produce a final ‘big piece’, final project, using an appropriate choice of software and hardware.
  • Peer and self-assess their understanding of the unit, and reflect on the computing skills they have understood.
  • Have a pupil voice forum to feedback likes and dislikes to allow the teacher to develop the learning for future units.

After each unit, the computer teacher will:

  • Assess children’s ability and skills.
  • Evaluate children’s “big pieces”, have they used the necessary skills to complete them.
  • Develop the school’s resources to always ensure the children have access to up-to-date and working software and hardware.


The implementation of this curriculum ensures that when children leave Highwood Primary School, they are competent and safe users of ICT with an understanding of how technology works. They will have developed skills to express themselves, be creative in using digital media, and be equipped to apply their skills in Computing to different challenges going forward.

 What will this look like?

Through pupil voice we will see:

  • Through discussion and feedback, children talk enthusiastically about their computing lessons and speak about how they love learning on the computer.
  • Children across the school articulate well about the potential risks of being online, and can talk about ways to keep safe.
  • Pupils know how and why technology is used in the outside world, and in the workplace. They know about different ways that computers can be used.
  • Pupils use acquired vocabulary in computing, including coding, lessons.
  • Pupils explain how they created their big piece detailing the technology they used and subject specific language.

 Through learning walks, we will see:

  • Pupils demonstrating their love of Computing through their high levels of engagement.
  • A clear sequence of lessons that allow pupils to acquire skills to make their ‘big piece’.
  • E-Safety is frequently discussed including laws and regulations as well as responsible behavior.
  • Experiment with different forms with IT to create content, use coding and present their work.
  • Children working in a friendly, stimulating, safe learning environment.
  • A learning buzz.

 In the pupil’s learning, we will see:

  • A clear sequence of lessons that are linked to the ‘big piece’, final project.
  • Scaffolded activities that allow all pupils to make progress.
  • Pupils blending different types of technology to create their ‘big piece’, final project.
  • They have the skills to use technology independently, for example accessing age-appropriate software and games in EYFS and using a range of computer software independently in KS1 and KS2.
  • Using technology responsibly.
  • Gradually acquiring skills across a unit of work.
  • Children applying the British values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty when using digital systems.