About Us
Headteacher’s Welcome
Welcome to the Highwood Primary School website. We are ambitious about every child in our care, and we recognise that it takes an entire community to educate and nurture a child. Our Parents Association called Friends of Highwood, the Governors, the school team are respectful and work together for the children and their families. We …
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play. Highwood Primary School is committed to providing an environment in which every child feels safe and can reach their full potential. We do this through having robust systems in place …
Safeguarding – Extra Information
Glossary Child in Need Defined under Section 17 of the Children Act 1989 as: “Those children whose vulnerability is such that they are unlikely to reach or maintain a satisfactory level of health or development, or their health and development will be significantly impaired, without the provision of services”. This includes all children who have …
Wellbeing and Mental Health
At Highwood Primary we recognise the importance of enabling pupils to be resilient and supporting good mental health and wellbeing. Difficulties are a part of life and sadly, many children face significant life events that can affect their emotional wellbeing. We feel it is important to acknowledge and empower children to understand their emotions whether …
School Improvement Plan
The School Improvement Plan sets out our strategic priorities for improving the school Key Priority Areas for Improvement Quality of Education To ensure the school’s curriculum intent and implementation are embedded securely and consistently across the school and impact is evident by what pupils have learned. QE 1. All staff understand that the curriculum …
What does SEND mean? A child or young person aged from 0 to 25 years has special educational needs or disability (SEND) if they: have a learning difficulty or disability which makes it much harder for them to learn than other pupils of the same age they require special educational provision to be made for …
Highwood Primary staff commenced the journey of being a Thrive School on Monday 20th February 2023. We are excited to be introducing a nurturing whole-school approach. Madame Watson and Mrs Trundle are our licensed Thrive practitioners. What is the Thrive Approach? We know that children learn best in school when they are happy and settled. …
Our Team
Staff at Highwood Headteacher Bindu Rai Assistant Headteachers Lynda Marriott Catherine Thompson …
Governors Roles and Responsibilities The Governing Body is made up as follows: Members Name Role Committee Area of Responsibility Term From Term To Eddie Tunnah Co-opted Chair Chair of School Development Personnel, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, P.E., GDC 21/05/2023 20/05/2027 Angela Goonetilleke LEA governor School Development SEND and Inclusion, CLA, Early …
Our School
History of the School and Facilities Highwood Primary School was first established in 1949. It has since been wholly rebuilt, moving from its original location on Bushey Mill Lane to Mead Way, Bushey. The school then underwent significant rectification works following a devastating flood in June 2016; this work on the building and on the …
Admissions from Reception to Year 6 Hertfordshire County Council deals with admissions for all children from Reception to Year 6. If you would like to apply to our school, you can find more information on the Hertfordshire County Council Website. Applications can be made on line at www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/admissions Alternatively you can ask for a paper …
You can view and compare the performance of Highwood Primary School with other schools using the Government’s Compare School and College performance website. Please click here https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/117089/highwood-primary-school/primary
Highwood School on Ofsted website Ofsted Inspection – 2023 Ofsted Inspection Report June 2023 Ofsted Inspection – 2017 Ofsted Inspection Report November 2017 Ofsted Inspection – 2015 In March 2015 Highwood underwent a pilot inspection under the new framework (September 2015). The Inspectors concurred with the school’s self-evaluation and agreed that it had made tremendous …