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At Highwood Primary School we value science as one of the core subjects. We want all of our pupils to leave having a good knowledge and understanding of the world around them and how it works. We aim to provide a science curriculum that excites and interests the pupils through provoking awe and wonder. We want the pupils to have hands-on experiences with natural objects and participate in scientific investigations so that they can experience first-hand how things work. The pupils will be given opportunities to develop their working scientifically skills and will experience the different types of scientific enquiry. They will be able to apply these skills and experiences to different topics as they progress through the school. Through each topic, the pupils will encounter the associated vocabulary and be given opportunities to use it both verbally and in their written work. Through delivering a varied and relevant science curriculum we aim to develop inquisitive, questioning thinkers who also have an understanding of their own impact on our world.


At Highwood Primary School, we ensure that our science planning follows a clear progression of skills and ensures that there is full coverage of, ‘The National Curriculum programmes of study for Science 2014’. The curriculum is adapted and extended to match all pupils’ needs and builds upon their prior knowledge and skills. Where possible, Science is linked to other subjects to support pupils in developing links between subject areas. Enrichment opportunities will be provided throughout the school year, which may include themed weeks, school trips and visitors.  Science is taught as discrete units and lessons where needed to ensure coverage.

Before teaching each unit teachers will:

  • Introduce a Big Question, which the pupils will answer at the end of the unit.
  • Assess children’s prior knowledge and skills and use this to ensure their planning builds upon this.
  • Use the Progression of skills to ensure a sequential teaching of topics
  • Plan opportunities to work scientifically and carry out investigations that develop their skills.

During each unit teachers will:

  • Ensure each lesson has a key question that children will be able to answer through their work and will help them answer the Big Question (Applicable to Key stage 1 and 2)
  • In Early Years pupils will be exposed to Science knowledge and skills through a combination of adult led and child initiated activities.
  • Develop the pupil’s use of scientific language highlighting new vocabulary to pupils and displaying it in the classroom for them to use in future lessons.
  • Give pupil’s the opportunity to develop and extend their scientific concept of the world.
  • Provide pupils’ with opportunities to make links and use knowledge from other subjects, in particular extended writing opportunities, maths and computing.
  • Provide pupils’ with opportunities to develop their scientific skills (observing, measuring, predicting, hypothesising, experimenting, communicating, interpreting, explaining and evaluating) through conducting investigations and experiments.
  • Provide pupils with the opportunity to use the outdoor environment when relevant.

At the end of each unit pupils will:

  • Answer the Big Question in a piece of work or writing. This could include but is not limited to presenting the information in non-chronological report, poster or newspaper report.
  • Self assess their understanding of the unit and reflect on the scientific skills they have used.

After each unit teachers will:

  • Asses pupils’ understanding and knowledge of the unit
  • Assess pupils scientific skills using Herts for Learning’s assessment tasks if appropriate.


What will this look like?

Through pupil voice we will see:

  • Pupils express their passion for science by talking enthusiastically about their learning and sharing their knowledge and understanding of Science.
  • Pupils explain and demonstrate how they support their peers during investigations and seek help from them when it is required.
  • Pupils discuss how they have shown resilience during lessons and turned their mistakes in to successes.
  • Pupils using a wide variety of scientific vocabulary and be able to use it to describe ideas, objects, and phenomena.

Through learning walks we will see:

  • Pupils demonstrating their love of science through their high levels of engagement.
  • Pupils showing curiosity by asking relevant questions.
  • Pupils discussing their learning and explain how it links to previous lessons.
  • Pupils demonstrating their resilience by looking for solutions to problems they encounter.
  • Pupils demonstrating their understanding of working scientifically and articulate what skills they are using in the lesson.
  • Teachers using scientific vocabulary to support pupil’s development of scientific language.
  • A clear sequence of lessons that allow pupils to acquire knowledge and use this to answer their big questions.

In the pupil’s learning we will see:

  • A passion for Science through the quality of work produced.
  • A clear sequence of lessons that are linked to the big question.
  • A piece of work that answers the big question and demonstrates pupil’s understanding of the unit.
  • Pupils using knowledge and skills from other subjects to support their learning.
  • Scaffolded activities that allow all pupils to make progress.
  • Pupils reflecting on their learning and using it to support future learning.