At Highwood Primary school, PE has four fundamental pillars upon which the subject is grounded.
- Health, fitness and lifestyle
- Teamwork and respect
- Fairness and equity
- Self-reflection
All children at Highwood are taught PE weekly, with KS2 having up to two lessons each week. These lessons will cover a range of sports, as well as topics such as gymnastics, dance and a variety of invasion and teamwork games. In addition to this time, Highwood offers a broad range of enrichment opportunities that allow children access to sports that they may not be able to access elsewhere. Beyond Highwood Primary School, we aim to build links with our local community clubs and district partners so that the Highwood child continues to participate in physical activities once they have left Highwood and throughout their lives.
We intend for all children leaving Highwood, to be able to be responsible for their own health and fitness, to be equipped with the necessary skills to compete in a variety of sports and finally for all this to continue in to secondary school and their later lives.
- Foundation PE Curriculum Map (78.65KB)
- Year 1 PE Curriculum Map (88.99KB)
- Year 2 PE Curriculum Map (69.10KB)
- Year 3 PE Curriculum Map (75.53KB)
- Year 4 PE Curriculum Map (74.96KB)
- Year 5 and 6 PE Curriculum Map (74.04KB)
At Highwood Primary School, our vision for P.E. and school sport is that every child can experience a variety of sports and physical activities that inspire and motivate them so that physical activity is enjoyed and embedded in their healthy lifestyle into adulthood. Every child should be given the opportunity to develop their skills and learn how skills can be transferred across a range of different sports. Through participation, our children can build and learn more about the values of respect, responsibility and encouraging others. We recognise the benefit that P.E. and school sport has on the health and well-being of our children.
Before teaching the PE programme, teachers will:
- Assess the pupils to gauge their prior skills and knowledge so that teachers can scaffold lessons effectively to support all learners in their class.
- Attend staff training to ensure programme is delivered correctly and effectively to enhance the pupil’s learning experience.
- Use the online learning platform to ensure full understanding of what skills are expected to be taught and how they should be demonstrated to the pupils.
During each unit teachers will:
- Use the PE scheme to structure their PE lessons to ensure a progression of skills is evident throughout.
- Monitor and assess the pupil’s abilities and adapt the activities where necessary to cater for all pupil’s needs in the class.
- Assess the pupil’s progress against the success criteria to ensure pupil are being stretched and challenged.
At the end of the unit, teachers will:
- Assess the pupil to measure and celebrate the progress made. This will help inform teachers for their future lessons.
- Assess the pupil’s understanding and knowledge of the skills practised within each unit.
What will this look like?
Through pupil voice we will see:
- Pupils explain the six key abilities outlined by Real PE.
- Pupils should be able to explain the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and how to maintain one.
- Pupil express how physical health impacts mental health.
Through learning walks we will see:
- Pupils encouraged to take part in all activities regardless of their abilities.
- Pupils demonstrate resilience when attempting new challenges.
- Pupils have the confidence to participate in all activities with their whole class.
- Pupils demonstrate that they are able to communicate successfully with others when working collaboratively.
In the pupil’s learning we will see:
- Pupils show an understanding of the importance of good sportsmanship when competing against others.
- Pupils demonstrate a positive attitude by showing commitment to their learning and taking pride in their achievements.
- Pupils confidently use the skills practised in lessons when competing in sporting activities.