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Juniper Class 

At Highwood, we believe that every child has the right to take part in a broad and balanced curriculum that enables them to fulfil their potential in a safe and happy environment. Our vision is for all our children to be fully included within school life and for all children to take part in learning activities that are suited to meet their needs.

Our Juniper Room is a nurturing room to support specific interventions.

We believe that being an inclusive school is about ensuring equality for all and providing opportunities for all learners regardless of their age, gender, aptitude or disability. We feel that every child should make excellent progress from whatever their starting point.

We set ambitious targets for all our children, and with you we help them to achieve them. This happens through a range of approaches recommended by the Education Endowment Fund such as quality first teaching, same day interventions and adult small group learning.

We work with outside specialist agencies such as Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologists.

If a child has a Special Education Need and/or a disability (SEND), we will work in partnership with families to create the best possible provision we can.

Please view our SEND offer for further information